Open Source Neural Headset development
Open Source Neural Headset development
X|Y lab – Castrignano dei Greci, Italy
15-31 July 2014
During the 15 days of X|Y lab, Alessio Erioli joined a team of talented people with heterogeneous background to develop an Open Source Neural Headset project consisting in:
. hardware helmet development
. open source interface
. an experiment in linguistic pertinetization based on brain pattern interpretation through machine learning
Here you can see the pictures of the project presentation at the end of the workshop. While we came up with a fully functional interface, the open-source hardware is still under development, so an EMOTIV EPOC was used for the tests and the experiment (even if fully planned) will have to wait for the completion of all the necessary prerequisites. As a team member, Alessio was mainly involved in the interface design, entirely done in Processing.
People involved:
Stefano Adamo, Eugenio Battaglia, Danilo Di Cuia, Alessio Erioli, Nicolò Loprieno, Giulia Marzin, Piero Molino, Michele Pastore, Leonardo Romei, Matteo Stefanielli, Antonio Vergari.
The open source code developed is available here.