One-2-Many – AA Visiting School Paris
AA Visiting School Paris
AAtelier Summer 2014 _ Digital Authenticity
Les Arts Décoratifs – Palais du Louvre, Paris, France, 2014
17 – 28 March 2014 rescheduled (summer 2014)
. Brief
. Tutors
. Venue
. Schedule
. Applications
. Motherships
Authenticity is the degree to which one is true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character, despite external pressures; the conscious self is seen as coming to terms with being in a material world and with encountering external forces, pressures and influences which are very different from, and other than, itself.
But the quest for authenticity and self-awareness is a manifold one, we have to continuously steer to adjust our trajectory to a moving target that at the same time we have to recognize as such.
The unsolved ontological question of the thresholds between self and other finds us perpetually oscillating between individuality and multiplicity. In order to maintain the perception of these ontologies, we must continuously grasp to our own selves facing, adapting to and proactively anticipating change, embracing uncertainty as a condition for creative potential.
Authenticity in the body or being in the technology era has gone beyond purity; we are symbiotic with the technology we create. Moreover: our body is 1/10 human cells and 9/10 bacteria and external species that use our body as ecosystem. We are already interconnected and using symbiosis and distributed control, it’s time to direct the next steps and cope with aesthetic implications of distributed control and symbiosis at the scale of the body, with implications in morphology, semiotics and affects.
Not just reflecting or distorting the body image, but actively designing novel integrated body aesthetics: tails, horns, extra-limbs that merge into the body to the scale of skin pattern integration, the use of soft o semi-rigid materials like bioplastic are just examples of the possibilities. The other side of the exploration is the relation between morphology and behavior: tools modify and influence our behavior to the point that they become an accessory to the newly acquired behavior.
Adaptation is not balanced, it’s conflictual but it is in that conflict that creative impulses arise. Actively creating and re-creating the body is the only way to stay authentic. We can design our new selves to express a wider range of affects and emotions, not to ‘optimize’ for a global goal.
Authenticity goes through change and modification from the original biological set. Running to keep in place, as the Red Queen says to Alice.
The exploration process will include agent-based processes and more intuitive modeling-based processes. Agents are iterated units created all the same in the beginning, yet able to express differentiation potential and global behavior, they too oscillate between individuality and multiplicity. Directed operations (modeling) on topologies and geometries coupled with agents’ behavior gives the potential to harness distributed control in continuous oscillation with intentional modeling. Through iterative dialog and conflict, the struggle to find an expression that is the boundary of the new self in the face of pressures will be explored as a creative process of propagation and feedback.
Programme director: Jorge Ayala
Studio Master: Alessio Erioli – Co-de-iT.
Les Arts Décoratifs – Palais du Louvre, 107 rue de Rivoli, 75001, Paris
. to be announced soon!
If you are interested to join, click here
Applications are now open >>> apply online here
To know more about aatelier.org,
email visitingschool@aaschool.ac.uk / info@jorge-ayala.com
. AA visiting school website – http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/parisspring
. AAtelier website – http://aatelier.org/
. AAtelier spring 2014 program – http://aatelier.org/spring-2014_-digital-authenticity
. AAtelier studio program – One-2-many – http://aatelier.org/one-2-many-studio