noobodies – P5 ws Paris
Processing workshop
Paris 26-28 June 2015
[.] Brief
The title refers to the concept of Noosphere, the sphere of human thought (as following geosphere and biosphere in the scale of complexity), first introduced by Pierre Teilhard De Chardin & Vladimir Vernadsky. Any form of coded information generates an embodiment (spatialization); bodies are generated from codified information, and information takes a body of its own.
This is even more evident in the case of material systems, which can be understood as structured, embodied information. Computational simulation methods allow to extend our horizon beyond the limits imposed by physical matter and exploit the same kind of iterative feedback, rule-based formation processes that create ordered complexity. Those processes are based on protocols that link behavior (including forces) and geometry into encapsulated entities (objects) interacting with each other.
Differently from functional programming software (like Grasshopper, unless extending it though customized code), Processing allows Object-Oriented Programming and logics to be implemented with nearly real-time interaction.
During the workshop, participants will learn how to deal with the basics of geometry and behavior in Processing, exploring iterative logics for the generation and manipulation of geometries through simple coded behaviors.
[.] Schedule
.:. day 01
. Object Oriented Programming (OOP):
. classes and objects
. fields, constructors and methods
. extending Processing: import external libraries
. basics: from rules to geometry
. vector basics
. points, lines, figures (PShapes)
. user interaction (mouse and other devices input/output)
. 2D to 3D
. basics: iteration
. introducing control: loops & conditional statements
. data structures (array, arraylist)
. fields
. basics: behaviors
. motion & control (speed, acceleration, easing, boundary check)
. neighbor checking
.:. day 02
. intermediate: iterations
. particles and agents
. implementing behaviors
. implementing stigmergy: reading/writing to an environment
. interface design
. mesh control
. isosurfacing
.:. day 03
. bridging Processing – connection with other software (Rhino/Grasshopper and others)
. personalized project development
For all info on application dates, fees and requirements please head to: http://www.weworkshop.org/noobodies/