NEXTO Research Program & Workshops Serie
From 2013 Co-de-iT group wants to explore and investigate, through its educational and research activity, some of the territories outside the ‘standard’ architectural boundaries that will be so relevant and meaningful for our future both as designers as citizens.
We believe that the design discipline will be deeply influenced and completely reshaped at its foundations by some of the most recent developments in the fields of research like synthetic biology, nano technology, neuroscience, robotics, biocomputing.
The aim of the ‘NEXTO Reserach Program & Workshops Serie’ is to set a first step to create a common playground, for collaborations and contaminations, where to investigate and influence each other loooking for feedbacks and possible outputs to help and improve our knowledge and competencies through a multidisciplinar approach.
If ‘everything is a Remix’, our abilities to develop and implement a wider set of notions in terms of theoretical and ‘hands-on’ knowledge are fundamental to enhance the design framework and adapt our skills to the ongoing technological and biological evolution.
Actually we are organizing a first Workshops Serie (planned for the fall of 2013) and we are talking/defining the workshops with: