Architectural Machines – DigitalFutures 2020
Within the DigitalFutures 2020 initiaitive, Alessio Erioli will teach a workshop called Architectural Machines, running from June 27 to July 1 2020.
What is the nature of architectural space instigated by computation and automation-driven processes?
The workshop will investigate assembly/growth processes through iterative algorithmic strategies, starting from elementary spatial building blocks treated as basic units of computation – able to store and compute data due to their topological and spatio-geometric qualities. Growing aggregations of these elementary, generic components, create assemblages/networks whose emergent properties and constraints at intermediate and global scale define novel computational entities and conditions, which in turn fold back with feedback implications on the design of both the component geometry/topology and their rules of engagement.
Extended info and application
The initiative
DigitalFutures 2020 is a one week series of 24/7 free online workshops & talks, running from 27 June to 03 July 2020, in 3 different time zones. Read more and the motivations behind it at: https://www.digitalfutures.world